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UPF-Lebanon Hosts Youth Festival, Distributes Food Donations

Beirut, Lebanon—Several significant opportunities presented themselves to UPF-Lebanon and its affiliated organizations in the past two months.


UPF-Lebanon collaborated with the Lebanese chapter of Youth and Students for Peace, an affiliated organization, for the launch of the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP) on Thursday, September 28, 2023, at a Youth Festival in the UNESCO Palace.

UPF reached out to many students. In addition, they sent the YSP flier and information about the Youth Festival to the Byblos Campus of the Lebanese American University. In response, the university sent out all the information to their students at both the Byblos and Beirut campuses.

The event was officially hosted by UPF-Lebanon at the UNESCO Palace, as YSP is not yet registered in Lebanon and the UNESCO Palace is under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture.

Nicolas El Osta, a famous singer whom UPF has known for many years, agreed to sing for free at the Youth Festival. It was very inspiring to have his contribution at the event. Mr. El Osta also was awarded an Ambassador for Peace certificate during the festival.

Also on September 28, UPF visited the Beirut Evangelical School for Girls and Boys to introduce Bogdan Pammer, the president of IAYSP for Europe and the Middle East, to the school principal. They asked the principal if Mr. Pammer could address the high school students at their school.

After the meeting, Mr. Pammer gave a great speech to almost 200 students who had gathered at the school's theater auditorium.


On Sunday, October 8, UPF traveled to the city of Sidon to attend a big celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday. Thousands of people had gathered there. UPF-Lebanon President Thomas Schellen was invited to give a speech by the Sheikh, who, with his Olfah Association, was the main organizer of this event.

Toward the end of the program, UPF distributed food boxes that had been donated by the German chapter of the International Relief Friendship Foundation (IRFF), an affiliated organization. Through a lottery, 40 families were selected to receive food boxes, which they really appreciated.

By Hermine Schellen, Secretary General, UPF-Lebanon
September 28 and October 8, 2023

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