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UPF Statement on the UN International Day of Peace 2015

Written by UPF International

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Universal Peace Federation affirms the annual celebration of the International Day of Peace on September 21 and applauds the United Nations for initiating and promoting this day since 1981, when the UN General Assembly resolution 36/67 was passed. As stated on the UN website, "The United Nations invites all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities during the Day, and to otherwise commemorate the Day through education and public awareness on issues related to peace."

The theme for the International Day of Peace 2015 is "Partnerships for Peace: Dignity for All."  UPF chapters around the world are encouraged to honor this day by convening programs dedicated to this theme.

The concept of partnerships is an integral part of the United Nation’s Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda which is to be the focus on the 70 Session of the United Nations General Assembly. In fact, there are six essential elements that are to be highlighted in the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: People, Planet, Partnership, Justice, Prosperity and Dignity. These are core elements and core values underlying the SDG initiative, two of which are being taken up by this year’s International Day of Peace.

Partnership: In paragraph 81 of the “Synthesis Report of the Secretary General on the Post-2015 Agenda” (December 4, 2014), we read that “Inclusive partnerships must be a key feature of implementation, at all levels: global, regional, national and local. We know the extent to which this may be transformative. The sustainable development goals provide a platform for aligning private action and public policies. Transformative partnerships are built upon principles and values, a shared vision, and shared goals: placing people and planet at the center. They include the participation of all relevant stakeholders. Mutual accountability is at the center. This means principles and responsible public-private-people partnerships.”

UPF affirms that partnership is rooted in mutual respect, dialogue, and the understanding that we are all members of one global family. As we celebrate the International Day of Peace 2015 and commit ourselves to contributing to the achievement of the Post-2015 Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals, let us place partnership at the center, committed to expanding our sphere of partnerships with other stakeholders and to being a partner that lives for the sake of others.

Dignity: In the report referred to above we also read in paragraph 67, that “The defining challenge of our time is to close the gap between our determination to ensure a life of dignity for all on the one hand, and the reality of persisting poverty and deepening inequality on the other.”  By upholding a life of dignity for all as a core value, we affirm not only the rights of each human being, but something perhaps even higher that calls us to go beyond what may be required to meet basic responsibilities, and to do what is necessary to assure that each and every human being can hope to flourish and fulfill the aspirations for security, health, education, prosperity and a meaningful life in community with other members of the human family. Let no one be excluded from this goal. 

UPF wholeheartedly affirms the ideal of dignity for all. According to our own core principles, each human being derives from our common origin, God, and each one of us has within the core of our being, a spark of the divine.  Let us work to assure that each man and woman, each girl and boy, may live in a world where every good and natural aspiration can be fulfilled.

UPF is pleased with the 2015 theme of the International Day of Peace and we are committed to doing our best to celebrate this day and working throughout the coming year to advance these most noble ideals, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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