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UPF-Uruguay Celebrates the UN International Day of Families 2023

Montevideo, Uruguay—UPF-Uruguay celebrated International Family Day 2023 on Saturday, May 20, 2023 in Montevideo. The main theme was “Family as the Foundation of Society and a School of Peace.”

Speakers included Dr. Pablo D. Abdala, President, Instituto del Niño y Adolescente del Uruguay (INAU); Mrs. Elsa Capillera, Deputy and National Representative; and Mrs. Laura Tassano, Deputy and National Representative.

Dr. Pablo D. Abdala spoke about the importance of the family in establishing a peaceful and productive society. He also recalled Article No. 40 of the Constitution of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay where it is highlighted that: “The family is the foundation of our society. The State will ensure their moral and material stability, for the best education of children within society.”

Mrs. Elsa Capillera expressed her concerns about the breakdown of family values and about the destructive causes of this reality. She stated that without stable and committed families, peace is not possible. The family must be protected by law and by civil and non-governmental organizations. Society as a whole must seek and promote universal values that strengthen the home and the family.

Mrs. Laura Tassano Dergam stressed the importance of promoting family values from school age. Peace begins in the family. If it is not achieved within the home, it cannot be established in society. UPF plays an important educational role in this task. There will be no peaceful society without stable and loving families.

The event closed with remarks from Rev. Kazuhiro Tsusaka, president of FFWPU-Uruguay, who gave an emotional tribute for the 80th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF). He shared with the audience a reading taken from her memoir, Mother of Peace. He also highlighted the importance of having God as Father-Mother who loves us eternally.

The meeting ended with a cake cutting, commemorating the birthday of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, “Mother of Peace.”

By Raúl Rey Banegas, President, UPF-Uruguay
Saturday, May 20, 2023

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