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UPF-Peru Launches IAACP and Appoints New Peace Ambassadors

Lima, Peru Dr. Simon Ferabolli, president of UPF-South America, presided over the launch of the Association of Arts and Culture for Peace in Peru at the UPF headquarters in Miraflores, Lima on November 13, 2023. Congressman José Alberto Arriola Tueros attended as a special guest.

With an audience of 300 guests, the ceremony began with a minute of silence for peace. It was followed by a prayer by Bishop Jesús Manuel Mejía Quiroz, president of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development, and welcoming words by the executive president of UPF-Peru, Dr. Trevor Jones, who sent his message by video from London.

Mr. Cesar Villalobos Leiva was named Secretary General of IAACP-Peru, receiving his appointment from Dr. Ferabolli. Also, 44 new Ambassadors for Peace were appointed. Among them were Mr. Cesar Armando Diaz Valladares, rector of José Faustino Sánchez Carrión University, and other professionals.

Dr. Ferrabolli also presented a trophy and certificate of recognition to Congressman Tueros for his support to UPF in Congress, and his work for peace. The congressman in turn presented a diploma and medal of special recognition to Dr. Ferabolli, on behalf of the Congress, for his career of working for peace with UPF.

The Andean Parliamentarian Mr. Fernando Arce Alvarado also gave special recognition to Dr. Ferabolli, Dr. Jones and Mr. Jaime Fernández Túpac, secretary general of UPF-Peru, for their outstanding work for peace in the community.


By Trevor Jones, President, UPF-Peru
November 13, 2023

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