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UPF-Estonia Remembers UPF's Co-Founder

Tallinn, Estonia—UPF co-sponsored a commemoration on the 11th anniversary of the founder’s passing.

“Rev. Sun Myung Moon: His Life, Teaching and Legacy” was organized by the Estonian chapters of UPF and Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), an affiliated organization.

Ambassadors for Peace, a former member of parliament, a former adviser to the president, a university professor, representatives of the Estonian-Korean Cultural Association, a married couple from Ukraine, and UPF supporters attended the event, which was held on September 3, 2023, at the Tallinn Peace Embassy.

The program started with welcoming words by Avo Martinson, secretary general of UPF-Estonia.

"Dr. Moon's vision of the world was very simple,” he said. “All people together form one family of God. He taught us to see and treat people as our grandmother or grandfather, mother or father, older or younger brothers and sisters."

After the participants briefly introduced themselves, there were musical and dance performances.

A video about Reverend Moon’s life was supplemented by a short talk given by Vitali Lopatko of FFWPU. One of the guests testified about being deeply moved by Reverend Moon’s autobiography.

Mr. Martinson gave an introduction to the Divine Principle, the main teachings of Reverend Moon. This was followed by the solemn consecration by FFWPU-Estonia Chair Olga Martinson of the newly published Estonian translation of the Divine Principle. It was a historic moment for Estonia.

After that, the ensemble of the Estonian-Korean Cultural Association performed two songs in Korean, and Mr. Martinson presented Reverend Moon’s autobiography to the former Member of Parliament.

The event ended in the HJ Cafe with snacks and coffee.

By Avo Martinson, Secretary General, UPF-Estonia
Sunday, September 3, 2023

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