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Thai Public Leaders: "Make Every Day a Family Day"

Bangkok, Thailand – To celebrate the International Day of Families, on May 16, 2024, UPF-Thailand held a seminar on the topic, “Make Every Day a Family Day,” in the UCF Building in Bangkok and on online platforms. The event was organized in collaboration with the government’s Office of Women’s Affairs and Family Development and the Center for Morality Promotion.

There were 300 onsite and online participants from 80 agencies, including the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council, the Nakhon Nayok Provincial Agriculture and Cooperatives Office, the Health Department, Public Health Office, Youth Welfare Office, and various other provincial, municipal and district offices.


Gen. Terdsak Marrome, president of UPF-Thailand, gave the welcome and opening remarks, followed by a panel discussion on the seminar theme.


Miss Raporn Pongpanitanon, family expert at the Office of Women’s Affairs and Family Development, said, “Every family’s first and foremost task is to think of their family members. The family comes first and it is important to spend time together, doing at least one activity together every day in order to create close relationships within the family.” She also shared a brief video clip about her department’s work with women and families.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suriyadew Tripathi, director of the Center for Morality Promotion, stated that the family is the starting point for the development, stability and sustainability of human resources. He showed a video clip of the Positive Family Project of the Morality Promotion.


Dr. Lek Thaveetermsakul, president of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification- Thailand, said, “The family is the source of love, life, and lineage which is a priceless gift given by heaven and inherited through the family.” Participants then watched a brief report and testimonies about the project “Thai Families Know, Love, Unite,” followed by a Q & A session.


Nineteen distinguished persons were appointed as UPF-Thailand Ambassadors for Peace, for their dedicated work to support public welfare in society in various provinces of Thailand. To conclude the event,

Mrs. Ursula McLackland, secretary general of UPF-Asia-Pacific, congratulated the awardees and thanked all speakers and participants for their active participation.


By Ursula McLackland
May 16, 2024

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