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Sydney Interfaith Group Shares Views on Love of Good, Love of Neighbor

Sydney, Australia – To mark World Interfaith Harmony Week, UPF-Australia invited representatives from diverse religious groups, including many ambassadors for peace, to a meeting at the Peace Embassy in Sydney on February 5, 2024. The discussion was based on the two precepts of "love of the good" and "love of one’s neighbor."

The evening commenced with opening remarks from the master of ceremonies, Mr. John Adamedes, president of UPF-Australia. He set the tone of unity and collaboration, emphasizing the importance of understanding and embracing diversity in order to foster harmony.

Distinguished speakers enriched the event with their unique religious perspectives. Mr. Shahid Husain presented the Islamic perspective, highlighting the core principles of love, compassion, and understanding within the Islamic faith.

Following this, Mr. Nith Chittasy provided insights into the Buddhist perspective, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living beings and the pursuit of inner peace.

The Baha'i perspective was eloquently presented by Mr. Siva Peri, who shared the Baha'i teachings on the oneness of humanity and the importance of promoting unity among different religions and cultures.

Mr. Greg Stone, secretary general of UPF-Oceania, then provided a comprehensive overview of the organization's initiatives and achievements in promoting peace and understanding across the region.

In conclusion, participants were invited to share their reflections through open dialogue. The exchange of thoughts and experiences further emphasized the commonalities that bind different faiths and cultures together.

This event not only provided a space for religious leaders and community representatives to come together, but also served as a testament to the shared values of love, harmony, and mutual respect that transcend religious and cultural boundaries. The event concluded with a renewed commitment to fostering interfaith harmony and collaboration for a more peaceful world.


By Santosh Neupane, UPF-Australia February 5, 2024

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