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IAPD-Russia Celebrates UN World Interfaith Harmony Week

Yekaterinburg, Russia—For its second online interview with a religious leader, UPF-Russia invited the mufti of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Irkutsk Region (Baikal Muftiate). Farit Hazrat Mingaleyev is also the imam-hatib of the Irkutsk Cathedral Mosque.

With this series of interviews, UPF is debuting its Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) in Russia. UPF-Russia President Maria Nazarova conducted the interview on February 7, 2023, in honor of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week.

The program was of interest to everyone who turns to the Creator, to the Almighty, to find answers to life's questions. Speaking of interreligious dialogue, we understand that we are talking about people who strive to find God, the Creator, to live righteously, to evaluate their lives and the surrounding reality not just from a material point of view, but understanding the existence of the spiritual laws of the universe. It is these people who are in great demand today; the world needs them to bring light and hope.

At a webinar last year, Mufti Farit Hazrat Mingaleyev spoke about the history of the emergence of Islam in Irkutsk city and the Irkutsk Region. During the interview on February 7, he offered some points about his personal spiritual path. In particular, the following questions were answered in the interview:

  • You graduated from the Irkutsk State Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Mining. You even worked and taught for a while. How did you come to faith? How did you decide to dedicate your life to the spiritual path? Could you tell us about the main milestones of your spiritual life?

  • What lines from the Quran guide your life? What lines do you remember in moments of difficulty or at times when difficult decisions must be made?

  • In 1999 you made a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. What meaning did it have for you?

  • What does a “true Muslim family” mean to you? Or how would you characterize the ideal of a Muslim family?

  • They say about your mosque that one can meet the most multinational flock of Irkutsk there: Tatars, Bashkirs, Chechens, Caucasians and Russians. Do harmonious relationships exist, despite the differences?

  • Our country has been atheistic for a long time. From your point of view, are the consequences still being felt of such a long ban on faith in the Most High, the Creator? Where do you see these consequences? Is it possible to help people find faith in their lives?

  • Could you tell us about the interreligious programs or events in which you participated or which you organized this year and last?

  • I ask you to address the participants of our webinar with closing words.

The conversation turned out to be very interesting and touched the hearts of many listeners, supporting them in their sincere aspirations to lead a righteous life on the path of faith!

Participants: 22,409 views at the Odnoklassniki social network, 40 views on YouTube, 175 views at the Vkontakte social network.

By Maria Nazarova, President, UPF-Russia
Tuesday, February 7, 2023

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