Pointe-Noire, Congo-Brazzaville—On Saturday, March 11, 2023 a celebration of International Women’s Day with the theme: “The Role of Women in the Economic Development of Nations” was held in the Congolese shippers’ council room in Pointe-Noire. The event was co-sponsored by UPF-Congo-Brazzaville and IAYSP-Congo.
The main speaker was the national president of the Women’s Federation for World Peace–Congo, Mrs. Lydia Zodji, wife of the secretary general of the Universal Peace Federation–Pointe-Noire. She first recalled the role that women must play in this era when we have with us on earth Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Mother of Peace, the Co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation, the Women’s Federation for World Peace and the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace.
Both girls and boys mobilized by the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace in partnership with the Departmental Bureau of Students of Pointe-Noire were captivated by her enthusiasm as she explained the role of women, underlining that regardless of the field in which they are involved, they must contribute to the economic development of the family and the nation. “We tend to forget those involved in the informal sector and those who are housewives. All women have the same rights and have the right to be valued. The woman is the one who gives life, educates and takes care of the home and, whatever the field, it contributes to the economic development of its nation,” declared Mrs. Zodji.
This event, initiated by the student branch of IAYSP-Congo under the leadership of Mr. Gycent, vice-president of the IAYSP Student Branch and other partners, was attended by about 320 young people.